Sunday, July 11, 2010

Simple observation

Okay my first and very simple post. I watch a movie about embracing what is important in life and finding a balance between work and play that works for you. Simple enough. Admirable point to be making in a movie while also funny, in my opinion. I come home and for whatever reason my TV is on the Food Network snd there is literally a 1 hour show on teams of people that are making model buildings out of chocolate. ok, it looks like its called Next Food Network Star. I'm assuming they give you a shitty timeslot. Then again, if you're a hit (how hard would that be to do for the Food Network?), then you can probably make a pretty decent living for however long they contract you (6 months to a year?). Then again, how interesting are chefs? Impossible to say, the only thing chefs have in common, aside from some stereotypes, is that they make food. But, there is definitely a lot in common between the people that actually go on these reality tv challenge shows. I'm sorry, but there's nothing real about a camera crew being in your home and pretty much every room, and if for some reason they dont have a camera in the room (like a bathroom) they will not shy away from using audio.

Oh yeah, not to mention the fact that people are actually chosen based on a least some criteria that would indicate a higher potential for an altercation of some sort. Depending on the audience and their age and target population, people will get kicked off shows for going nuts. Did the executives knows that would happen? No, how could they? But they definitely played a hand in tilting the scale in that direction. To what degree? I don't know.

Oh yeah, then the simple fact that reality tv shows are EDITED. A TRUE reality tv show would be something as messed up as what they do in The Truman Show, which is an awesome movie btw.

So there's my childish rant for the day. I don't think that these people shouldn't do what they do, but I think they should definitely be familiar with the concept of ethics. I will admit, however, some shows can help raise awareness, if not in the most effective way, definitely better than an ineffective way. I also have no idea how much $$$ is donated to charitable causes. I'd have to be some sort of private investigator.

I urge you to criticize anything I say at all, or agree, or some degree of both, but I do ask that you keep your criticisms constructive and any agreements explained. OR tell me off for writing this last paragraph. Oh, the irony. and oh, the lethargy. This somewhat nonsensical talk is usually a good indicator to go to sleep because I get further from any sort of point but probably am more entertaining to laugh at or with.

I actually am more interested in your comments than I am in the crap that I have to say, so bring the rain...or sunshine, or both...hmmm, I haven't seen a rainbow in forever. I think an outdoor camping trip is about due...
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